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An app to put sticky notes in space.
-Prerequisite You must be in the state of Recognize Your Space. If the conditions are not met, the location, scale, rotation and information of the generated Tag will not be restored. -Basic Operation 1.Create Tag Create a Tag with characters. Character input is supported by virtual keyboard or voice input. You can enter up to 100 characters. 2.Tag If the Laser Pointer from Control is placed on the icon at the top left of Tag, Tag will be active. If you keep looking at the tag for a certain amount of time, the Edit button will be shown. Pressing the Edit button allows you to edit the information you have entered. Tag is generated as Landscape Prism. For the basic operation method, please read the section on the following page, Interacting with Landscape Apps. https://www.magicleap.care/hc/en-us/articles/360033773091-Launcher-and-Apps