- ドイツ
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- 日本
- スペイン
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- 米国
Use your Control to drive a car or fly a plane or helicopter around your room! Concepts may break or disappear at any time.
In Drive, we’ll do the following: - Show how the Control can be a starting point for experiences - Show some examples of how to ground objects in the world using lighting and particle effects - Demonstrate a few approaches to 3DoF and 6DoF Control input schemes (including comfortable postures for holding it) - Provide a starting point for a variety of different vehicle controls that you can use yourself and build on - Show some ways to quickly orient your users toward objects of interest around them (using FX, UI elements, and audio) - Provide some recommendations for when and how to effectively use headlocked content - Demonstrate an experience that can be played on-the-go as you walk around your house or office (a mobile roaming experience)
Drive is a freeform sandbox vehicle driving experience that demonstrates how the Control can be used for both direct physical UIs (within arm’s reach) as well as remote control schemes (for objects at a distance).